Managing Chronic Pain: Understanding Causes, Symptoms and Treatment


Understanding Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

We all experience occasional aches and pains. An important function of the nervous system is to alert you to possible injuries through sudden pain. Pain signals travel up your spinal cord and to your brain when you suffer an injury.

As the injury heals, the pain usually becomes less severe. Chronic pain, however, differs from typical pain. Even after an injury heals, your body continues to send pain signals to your brain. It can last from a few weeks to several years. Having chronic pain can limit your mobility, flexibility, strength, and endurance. It may be difficult to complete daily tasks and activities as a result.

Chronic pain lasts for at least 12 weeks. In the affected areas, the pain may feel sharp or dull, causing a burning or aching sensation. It may be steady or intermittent, coming and going without apparent cause. Nearly any part of your body can experience chronic pain. Pain can be felt differently in different parts of the body. Chronic pain can be classified into the following types:

  • Symptoms of headaches
  • Pain following surgery
  • Pain following trauma
  • Back pain in the lower back
  • Pain caused by cancer
  • Pain associated with arthritis
  • Pain caused by nerve damage (neurogenic pain)
  • Psychogenic pain is pain that is not caused by disease, injury, or nerve damage.

Globally, more than 1.5 billion people suffer from chronic pain, according to the American Academy of Pain Medicine.  

Chronic pain: what causes it?

Typically, chronic pain results from an initial injury.  Chronic pain is believed to develop when nerves are damaged. As a result of nerve damage, pain is more intense and long-lasting. Chronic pain may persist even after treating the underlying injury. Chronic pain can, however, occur without any prior injury. Chronic pain without injury has unknown causes. Pain can sometimes be caused by an underlying health condition, such as:

  • Fatigue syndrome: characterised by extreme, prolonged tiredness that is usually accompanied by pain
  • Embryometriosis: a painful condition in which the uterine lining grows outside the uterus
  • The fibromyalgia syndrome: widespread muscle and bone pain
  • inflammatory bowel disease: causes chronic, painful inflammation in the digestive tract
  • Cystitis interstitial: characterised by pain and pressure in the bladder
  • Temporomandibular joint dysfunction(TMJ): jaw pain caused by clicking, popping, or locking
  • The condition vulvodynia: unexplained chronic pain in the vulva

Chronic Pain

Chronic pain affects who?

It has been reported by chronic pain specialists in Sydney that chronic pain affects people of all ages, but it is most common in older people. Other factors that may increase your risk of chronic pain include

  • Injured
  • Surgery
  • Females
  • Obesity or overweight

What is the treatment for chronic pain?

Treatment aims to reduce pain and improve mobility. In this way, you can return to your daily activities without feeling uncomfortable. Chronic pain can vary in severity and frequency among individuals. As a result, doctors create pain management plans that are tailored to each patient’s needs. Based on your symptoms and any underlying health conditions, a pain management clinic Sydney plan will be developed. In order to treat chronic pain, you may use medical treatments, lifestyle remedies, or a combination of these methods.

Chronic pain medications

Chronic pain can be treated with a variety of medications. The following are a few examples:

  • Pain relievers such as Paracetamol or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as Celebrex.
  • Pain relievers containing opioids, such as morphine (MS Contin)
  • Antidepressants and anticonvulsants are adjuvant analgesics

Chronic pain medical procedures

Certain medical procedures can also relieve chronic pain. Here are a few examples:

  • You can reduce pain by sending mild electric shocks into your muscles with electrical stimulation
  • Injections that block nerves from sending pain signals to your brain are called nerve blocks
  • Surgical correction of injuries that have healed improperly and are contributing to pain

Chronic pain remedies that are lifestyle based

Chronic pain can also be eased through various lifestyle remedies. Here are some examples:

  • Physiotherapy
  • Counseling
  • Hydrotherapy

Managing chronic pain

Chronic pain cannot be cured, but it can be managed effectively. In order to relieve symptoms, you should stick to your chronic pain management plan. According to a chronic pain specialist, your stress levels may increase as a result of chronic pain due to its emotional component. Developing emotional skills can help you cope with stress related to your condition. To reduce stress, follow these steps:

Maintain a healthy body:

Maintaining a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly can help you maintain a healthy body and alleviate stress.

By participating in activities:

you enjoy and socialise with friends, you can boost your mood and reduce stress. Chronic pain may make it difficult to perform certain tasks. Nonetheless, it can make you more sensitive to pain and make you more negative about your condition.

Get support:

Family, friends, and support groups can lend a helping hand and offer comfort. If you’re struggling with daily tasks or need an emotional boost, a close friend or loved one can help.

Answers to questions

Chronic pain: how common is it?

Chronic pain affects about 1 in 5 Australian adults. There are more adults affected by it than by diabetes, hypertension, or asthma combined. Sports injuries, car accidents, and accidents at home or work are the most common causes of chronic pain. People with chronic pain usually complain of pain in their backs, legs, shoulders, arms, and necks. Women are slightly more likely to experience chronic pain than men, and chronic pain increases with age.

Is my pain chronic?

When the cause of acute pain is treated, the pain disappears. Chronic pain occurs when you experience it most days of the week for more than three months without going away. There may be no explanation for the pain despite tests and investigations. Chronic pain is still real, however. There may be an over-sensitisation of the nervous system, which sends pain signals. Regardless of how it began, the pain persists.

What are the effects of chronic pain on families? Individuals who suffer from chronic pain are not the only ones affected; their families are as well. People are naturally distressed when they see their loved ones in pain, but over time, this can lead to feelings of frustration, anger, and resentment, as well as emotional exhaustion. Chronic pain can affect the roles played by family members. Chronic pain may make it difficult for the sufferer to carry out everyday activities, causing the spouse to take on more household duties. It may be more common for one parent to be responsible for child rearing. Often, grandparents, aunts, and uncles are called upon for practical assistance. There may be a loss of income for the family, and leisure activities may be reduced or even abandoned.

Is it possible to become addicted to pain medication?

Drug addicts have an overwhelming desire to use their medication (typically for reasons other than pain relief), and will compulsively seek it out and continue to use it despite any harm. Talk to your doctor if you think you may be addicted to your medication. It is possible that your doctor will:

  • Take your medication at a lower dose
  • Switch to another medicine
  • Don’t take the medicine at all
  • I recommend that you speak to a counselor or psychologist about learning strategies for coping with your addiction
  • We will refer you to a doctor who specialises in drug treatment.

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